


The fund, under normal circumstances, invests in swap agreements that provide 200% daily exposure to NVDA equal to at least 80% of its net assets. The fund will enter into one or more swap agreements with major global financial institutions whereby the fund and the global financial institution will agree to exchange the return earned on an investment by the fund in NVDA that is equal, on a daily basis, to 200% of the value of the fund’s net assets. The fund is non-diversified.
The notes are intended to be daily trading tools for sophisticated investors to manage daily trading risks as part of an overall diversified portfolio. The index is an equal-dollar weighted index designed to represent a segment of the technology and consumer discretionary sectors consisting of highly-traded growth stocks of technology and tech-enabled companies.
The fund invests at least 80% of its net assets in financial instruments, such as swap agreements, securities of the index, and ETFs that track the index, that, in combination, provide 3X daily leveraged exposure to the index, consistent with the fund's investment objective. The index is a rules-based, modified float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that tracks the performance of the thirty largest U.S. listed semiconductor companies. The fund is non-diversified.



US10Yの現在の利回りは4.586%ですが、発行当時は3.52%だったので、30.28%変化していることになります。 この1週間でUS10Yの利回りは0.33%増加、 この1ヶ月では7.29%増加のパフォーマンスを示しており、 そして、この1年ではUS10Yの利回りが28.25%上昇しています。



トータルで+$2,202.42 (+0.33%)のプラスでザラ場は引けた。エヌビデアのレバ2倍のNVDXが、他の2つの銘柄のマイナスをカバーした形でプラス引けできた。イスラエルがイランにドローン攻撃を行った情報もあり、依然中東情勢が不安定でいつ相場が戻すのかよく分からないが、明日はSQなので反転する可能性もあるので注目したい。

ウィブル証券 マネックス証券_米国株訴求
moomoo証券 松井証券の米国株